This is a closeup of the simple shawl I knit from the kid mohair and silk yarn below. I was just teaching this technique last weekend at the Spinnerati meeting. It's always interesting to see what pattern in the knitting show themselves when you've pulled in colors randomly in spinning. The actual spinning can be quite fun because it's all about "giving up controlling the fiber." It was interesting to see what the other spinners who had never tried this came up with. I think I have some converts...

I have felt somewhat "plagued" by working with silk hankies in spinning. Unlike silk roving, it's really sticking and hard to draft. That said, now that I've found a good use for the fine single I spun, I'm finishing these up to ply with a "sherino" wool yarn.

These are the Sherino locks, picked into clouds, spun into a tweedy single and then plied with the silk. (Don't forget to click on this image to see it better)
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