Friday, March 13, 2009

Knit a Lace Bookmark!

Mary McCall sent me this great kit to try out. It's a lace bookmark kit complete with a little hank of slubby silk yarn and charted instructions.
Oh, how I love kits!
When I first considered knitting lace, some years back, a friend said: Make a bookmark!
I didn't. It meant I had to figure out what pattern to use, make sure it was charted, buy a skein of something that I may not use all of, etc. This is the way to go, you beginning lace knitters!

You can reach Mary McCall to order at Wool and Fiber Originals


Aunt Kathy said...

I love kits too, everything you need right there, no second guessing or buying the wrong stuff. I may have to check out these bookmark kits, what a great contest prize. I am always looking for new contest prizes to give away.

Anonymous said...

I like that Van Dyke lace pattern. I think I might try to use that as the side panels in a second "Side Impact Sweater" I want to make. Thanks for sharing.