Sunday, March 22, 2009

So, I have this friend...

This friend is the one who helped me come up with the coins on the spinning wheel. They were actually her foreign coins.Wendy and I met briefly in San Diego when I lived there. We went to some of the same knitting meetups, but we never got a chance to really talk. The first year I moved to Portland I was on my home from a knitting store and there she was, on a bus with a friend. They bad both attending some kind of fiber event and were just in town for the day.
Since then, we haven't seen each other much but she does live closer now, in Northern, CA. After she moved there I realized that I had a pound of white merino just sitting here. I knew I was not going to dye it myself. Hmmmm. Let's make WENDY do it. Yes, that girl who would cart a spinning wheel to Starbucks and had become quite the master dyer was my first pick for turning white Merino straw into gold.
I waiting months, then 6 months and I really didn't give it a thought. I knew someday it would come back to me, fabulous.
Last week there was a mystery package waiting for me and there it was!
although Wendy's business is in a bit of a hibernation stage, I knew you would all want the link to her stuff after seeing this beauty, so here you go.


Anonymous said...

Found you via Twitter.

I LOVE the colours of the wool! That's going to look gorgeous spun up. I have dyed my own wool before (not fleece though) and spun wool that other's have dyed. It's so much fun to see what the colours look like afterwards, I've found it's never quite what you expect!

Please post pics when you've spun it!

KateK8 said...

I guess we are already Ravelry friends. I sat next to you at knitting today. Anyway, I know Wendy Black from San Diego! And she helped me pick out some roving at Black Sheep last year. Small world.

Melissa Barton said...

Wow, Kate. You knot, almost mentioned Wendy but thought:No way.
Great to meet you!