Sure, I'm interested in lots of things but when I was a student, years and years ago, I studied voice and piano. You'd think that "once a singer, always a singer". When folks know about my past, they often ask me, "Well, aren't you still singing?" It seems odd to them that I haven't been. I've played piano depending on availability and I have a box of sheet music in the closet, but I've not even been much of a shower singer. Things change though, and for the better.
An article just came out in Neighborhood Notes, an online local news source that I'm quite fond of, about the Flash Choir. They were taking pictures last Monday night at our rehearsal. I've been going for a couple of month now but this is the first time it seems that we're getting some notoriety. We're practicing like fiends this week in preparation for a concert that's been scheduled for a while. Then, on our night for a dress rehearsal, this other opportunity came up for us for sing at a benefit for Haiti.
I've been obsessively watching the coverage of the Haitian disaster on CNN every day while I'm doing my work, my knitting, my whatever. It's been a couple of weeks of planning more than moving great things forward. Mercury Retrograde. Now life has an engine again, so to speak. The Christmas tree came down today. I took care of the neglected plants. Turned on the music to drown out the sad news...
The sun was up in the sky today and it actually kinda looked like this. I understand more clearly now why the Nordic folks wear such brightly colored knits. I'm catching on...
So, this is a sample for Krafti-Kit as we didn't have our own. It's called the Seven of Hearts Tam and I've photographed the blocking on a plate process that gives it a distinct "tam" shape. For those of you not keen on blocking, this hat, like many others would just be a "bubble" hat without this process. And, it actually stays this way. Pretty cool. And, for a change, my colorwork tension was just right! My sample is quite a bit more pink than the first sample but I really like it. For more of the reddish-orange, I could have cut the yarn and used more of the end bit.
Make, Heal, Love.