Thursday, June 26, 2008

Black Sheep 2008

Sheep shearing with ye olde sheep shearing scissors. Are ya done yet??

Okay, I'm hot. Enough of this coat! I am NOT so vain.
Trying out the equipment (I didn't)

Shopping (I did)
Watching the busy spinners while I'm shopping...
Looking to buy things....
Nana and her mother, Yoko. My partners in crime.
Little girls with little sheep.

Is there anything better? Damn no! I had a great time and got some great new stuff to spin this year. How can you be in a bad mood around soft fiber? I actually bought a tiny amount of cashmere this year. Mmmmmmm.


Anonymous said...

Looks like a lot of fun! Step one in the "make your own yarn" process?

Anonymous said...

Oh Melissa... you are going to be in trouble. My mom will come after you :)