Saturday, October 23, 2004

I begin to Blog

Sometime this past year, I heard about blogs. I ran across a person's online profile with a link to their blog. I thougth it was so curious that this guy would reveal so much personal stuff to the general public that I wrote to him. I asked him why. He thought my question was somehow suspicious and told me I must be a journalist and refused to answer any questions. I thought his blog of inner thoughts made him look like a prick.

Since then, I've come across blogs that really inpressed me in their beauty, insight and practical knowledge. That's the direction I'm going in with this. Well, not to impress anyone. I guess I just want a way to share my daily creative life with others.

I'm not great at keeping up correspondance, so I figure this might be like one of those long family newsletters that you get at Christmas. Only better. And, I suspect it will rarely be about my family. But, you get the idea.

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