Thursday, August 26, 2010

And in crochet news...

It was awhile ago that we sent off a sample kit to Interweave Crochet and here it finally is! This is my first crochet pattern and it's really a beginner kit. The part of this that was the most fun was the colorway designing of the yarn, with Jen Hintz. I had taken some nature photographs and really had in mind the look of lichen on all the trees in Portland. Jen did a great job with her interpretation. The wool/bamboo blend on this ebony needle is the ultimate in crocheting pleasure, if I do say so myself!

Coming up in the next few weeks are some more exciting mentions for Krafti-Kit. I have to say that putting together a kit is WAY fun. Not only does one write or commission a pattern, but one gets to choose every little detail that goes into the project.

Last but not least, I want to thank Petra again for her lovely modeling of this piece.

Monday, August 23, 2010

2 Trips, 2 pairs of Socks

On break from the endless unpacking, Mitch and I took a couple of road trips this past weekend. Before I started even packing back in Portland, I had a pair of socks I had designed that I was trying to get out. I had three wonderful test knitters and the pattern was done, but there was no time for pictures. Finally we have lift-off!

Something about these socks made them difficult to photograph. I can't say exactly what it was, but it took several tries. In an effort to get the photos finally done, we took the socks with us as we traveled to Pendleton, OR and Spokane, WA. (Above see designer laughing as we stopped in yet another field for pictures.)

As some of you might remember, I did a spinning demo for Pendleton last year. This was my first trip though  the actual mill. Funny enough, it was one of the rare times that the looms were quiet because they were on a maintenance break. That was fine in a way because of the lack of noise, but I expect we'll make it back there when they're in full swing. I have to say that although I walked out with a fabric remnant, I loved all the new fashions for Fall.

The other fabulous place we visited in Pendleton was the Tamastslikt Cultural Institute. Huge place with buildings and tee pees reconstructed inside as well as a long house. They were just setting up for a Salmon something-or-other when we left and this fella was right out front.

Yesterday was a trip to Spokane. It's 2 hours from here and I was just dying to get some "city life" time in. It was a Sunday, so it was quiet, but I did capture the sock shots I was looking for and got some REAL tea to bring home.

All in all, I'm adjusting to my new home and am looking forward to getting things more squared away so that more of my time can be creative time. UFOs, here I come! (unfinished projects, but I wouldn't mind seeing some of the other kind...)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Fiber Has Landed

 August 2005

The fiber moved out of Portland two weeks ago and with that, there were no longer any reasons to protract the moving process. I moved a week early. So, for 4 days I kicked butt and packed the entirety of my life, embedded into the now somewhat grimy downtown apartment I've been inhabiting for these past 5 years. The grimy part is more recent but I can claim that, tail between my legs or not, after seeing the "underworld" left after the yarn and furniture left.

 August 2010

I had serious doubts about this move. It was a complicated ordeal, emotionally, but on most days I do think it was the right move. I thought I would miss the noise, but I don't. I thought I would miss being able to walk to about 20 different cafes. I DO. I thought that being part of the hustle-bustle made me feel a bit more "centered". Not sure, but I doubt it. This time my move has to do with no longer being apart and actually being a "part".

Today I'm painting a bedroom that will be the Melissa Takes a Nap and Keeps Sense of Self Room. My office feels very much like me even if the yarn is awaiting shelving and there's still boxes in here. I actually have a sewing cabinet and desk. All of my books are out in a way that makes them easy to browse through. The cats remember that they like carpeting. And, although my body is SO sore from all this putting away and such that I feel really, really old, there is a hot tub with my name steps away.

I have been knitting a little bit but no spinning yet. I have a pattern that's ready to publish but I've gotta take some photos for it. Today is a lovely 85 degrees but mostly it's in the upper 90's here in the Summer. The neat thing is that it gets downright cold in the winter. Yah! I don't think I could even be okay living somewhere without a lot of wool. Oh yeah, San Diego is where I started this blog. Hmmmm....moved, didn't I?

The blog that keeps going and going....cuppa tea, anyone?